Calculate How Much to Bet on Each Side

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It may sound like betting both sides is complex and difficult to calculate, but it can be done easily and quickly. The promotion/boost typically has a maximum bet amount, which is usually $25-$50. The largest amount should be used in order to maximize profits. The boosted bet will determine how much you will need to bet on the other outcome.

For example, an Over/Under bet has the odds below:

Under = -110 (50% boost promotion to +137 at a max of $25)

Over = -110

A $25 bet on the Under at +137 will provide a payout of $59.25

Now, you need to determine how much to bet on the Over at -110 to provide a payout of $59.25. This can be done by using a sports betting calculator or just changing the wager amount and looking at the payout. After checking a few amounts, you can see a wager of $31.03 on the Over at -110 returns a payout of $59.24 (close enough!).

This example would provide a payout of $59.24 and the total amount waged is $56.03 for a profit of $3.21.